One thing I became more familiar with while taking the class kinesiology was the typical walking patterns in humans. I found this topic very interesting and it can be directly related with runners and the type of injuries that they commonly experience. Foot injuries are typical in runners because of specific overuse patterns that they sustain. The analysis of how one stands or walks is referred to as gait. Gait can help to reveal any muscle, nerve or skeletal problems a person may have. Gait is also used by many running coaches to help athletes run more efficiently and to identify posture or movement related problems that contribute to ones overuse injuries.
Alot of runners that have high arches and flat feet are more prevalent to injuries because of how their foot is built. Athletes with high arches are often referred to as "supinators" or "under pronators". This is because in their running gait they have decreased mobility which is related to their inadequate pronation while running. This means that while they are running their feet do not absorb shock well which can be very painful during running. Its common that they will have pain radiating on the lateral side of their ankle. The pain can also increase to their lower leg and knee. When an athlete has overpronation, this is the opposite. They have too much mobility while their foot is pronated and this excess force contributes to pains on the medial side of their ankle. A great way to check your arches in your feet is to get your feet wet and step on the concrete. If your mark only show the ball of your foot and heel, it is likely that you are an underpronator. If your mark shows your whole foot then you are considered an overpronator. Overpronators need shoes that will provide them with extra support. Underpronators need shoes with extra cushioning. There are certain shoes that are especially made for both these issues or you could look into buy orthotics with will also help during running. Other injuries that are common in runners are plantar fasciitis, calcaneal stress fracture, achilles tendon bursitis, extensor tendinitis, sesamoiditis, metatarsal stress fracture, posterior tibialis tendonitis, peroneal tendoitis and many more. If you experience any type of pain that relate to your lower extremities, it could be related to the arches in your feet. Be sure to talk to your doctor about this because if you catch it early enough there could be alot of things that will help to further reduce your pain!
I really enjoyed your blog, I personally am an Overpronator and have to buy shoes to help out with it. You can also notice by looking at the souls of your shoes and seeing which part and worn out more than others. But it is good thing to know if you over or under pronate so you can buy shoes accordingly to prevent the injuries which you listed.